Jessica Scheer: Indigenous Wisdom Meets Social Media and Intuitive Online Business

Jessica Scheer is an Earth Guardian, traveler and a business strategist supporting indigenous communities and life economy businesses.
In this beautiful conversation, we discuss:
- Building an online business with Manari, leader of the Sápara Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon
- How the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor influenced the work Jessica does today
- Trusting the unknown when you’re not sure about the next steps in your business
- Social media as a way to communicate wisdom
- How Manari knew now is the time to start sharing his wisdom on Instagram
- How working with Manari has inspired Jess to own her gift
- Seeing a business as a spirit that we get to bring into this world
- Technology as a catalyst for positive change
- Listening to the wisdom of the Earth and Spirit through the dream world
- Jessica’s experience staying with the Sápara Nation in Ecuador
- What is life economy business?
- Why no strategy is Manari’s social media strategy
- Infusing blessings into your content
- Jessica’s lessons from launching an online course with Manari
- What do recurring dreams mean?
- How do you interpret dreams?
- How cutting off social media impacted Jessica’s dreams
- How your life becomes more interesting when you develop a relationship with your dreams
- Rituals for remembering your dreams learned from Manari
- The role that eco-tourism plays in the Sápara Nation community
- Jessica’s experience working with plant medicine spirits
- Who the Dream World program is for
- How participating in Manari’s online offerings directly impacts his community
- Dream World Program – use code KSENIA40 for $40 off
- John Perkins – Life economy business
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Related episodes:
- 223 How Jessica Scheer Helped An Indigenous Spiritual Leader Grow A 550K Community On TikTok: Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Technology
- 14 Florencia Fridman: Cacao Ceremony and Maya Cosmo-Vision, Align Making Money With Your Divine Purpose
- 98 Mark Elmy: Mayan Astrology as a Key To Decoding The Matrix
- 104 Carolina Arevalo: Stay True To The Essence You Want To Share with The World
- 110 Aaron Rose: Intentional Frequency Exchange Online & Shadow Work On Instagram
Connect with Jessica Scheer:
Connect with Manari:
Naku (to visit The community)
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Quotes by Jessica Scheer:
“I’m here to be a steward of the Earth and remember that I’m part of the greater network of life.”
“Whether you’re a painter, a plumber or a therapist, how does the work you do in the world a part of economy that supports life, evolution and the betterment of all beings and things?”
“I can continue doing [online business strategy] and I can do it as an Earth guardian and a steward of the Earth that supports indigenous communities that have so much wisdom to share.”
“What is your Instagram account a voice for?”
“Some dreams will manifest in 2 weeks, some will manifest in 6 months or a year. Certain actions manifest in a certain time [frame] because the body and Spirit need time… to begin to prepare, receive the clues and get on board with that reality.”
“Working with my dreams has changed my life in many ways. Dreams are information. Some of it is very mystical and needs interpretation, and some is exactly what the dream is. When we tune into the subtle information, we start to tune into the bigger information. “
“Nourishing your Spirit doesn’t need to be more meditation. It could be doing the same activities, but asking yourself, “how can every action I do be nourishing my Spirit?”
“Don’t wait until you have all the pieces to take the next step. Create space for each piece to unfold as it comes.”
Wisdom from Manari:
“Dreams are a natural technology designed for humans [to connect to the Spirit world].”
“If you don’t remember your dreams, it’s because your body and Spirit aren’t very connected The solution? Stare at a flower.”
“Recurring dreams happen because there’s an aspect of your Spirit that isn’t getting nourished.”
“There’s no encyclopedia for every dream. You write your own.”