Aaron Rose: Integrating Spiritual Awakening Into The Human Experience and Becoming Uncancellable

Transformational coach, writer and facilitator Aaron Rose (@aaronxrose) joins me for a wide-ranging conversation about spiritual awakening, cancel culture, sovereignty, Hu Kitchen chocolate and alpacas.
Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify
We discuss:
- Ksenia shares lessons from a recent medicine journey
- Cultivating a fertile void
- Ksenia’s journey with changing the podcast name
- Spiritual awakening IRL
- Integrating spiritual truth into physical, multidimensional human self
- “Big whale energy”
- The teaching from “A Course In Miracles” that has been coming up for us
- Being in the world, but not of it
- Building a world where we all thrive
- Tending to the physicality of your life
- Becoming uncancellable in an inside job
- What it’s like when God is your boss
- Aaron’s experience being multidimensional in gender and sexuality
- Integrating spiritual lessons into the physical realm
- Aaron’s experience being an alpaca whisperer
- Building a home
- What is cancel culture here to teach us?
- Letting go of knowing what’s best of others
- Becoming your own safe space
- The astrology of current world events
- Finding the courage to speak your truth
- Becoming your own safe space
- Aaron’s monk purification period
- Identity shifts in the digital age
- Aaron’s daily surrender practice
- Ksenia’s experience going through Aaron’s “God is my boss” course
- Turning over your life to Source and restoring Love
Watch on YouTube:
Related episodes:
- 110 Aaron Rose: Intentional Frequency Exchange Online & Shadow Work On Instagram
- 13 Thomas Droge: How To Cultivate Physical and Spiritual Energy and Why QiGong Will Make Your Business More Successful
Connect with Aaron Rose:
- Instagram @aaronxrose
- theaaronrose.com
Connect with Ksenia:
- kseniabrief.com
- Instagram @ksenia.brief
- YouTube Ksenia Brief
- TikTok @ksenia.brief
- Subscribe, rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts
- Follow the podcast on Spotify
About Aaron Rose:
Aaron Rose is a writer, facilitator, transformational coach, and human being committed to both changing and enjoying the world at the same time. His work supports people in releasing the layers of programming that prevent them from having a nourishing, dignified, authentic experience of life. His lifelong devotion to positive social change includes chapters as a youth activist, community organizer, diversity and inclusion specialist, conflict resolution mediator, and leadership coach for changemakers. Aaron believes that liberation for all is not only possible, but guaranteed, if we choose it. You can find Aaron online at @aaronxrose on Instagram and www.aaronxrose.com.

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