Rebecca Naylor: Kambo, The Consciousness Expanding Frog Medicine

Welcome back to the expanded consciousness series.
Rebecca Naylor (@mysticradiance) is an Energy Medicine Practitioner working with a spectrum of healing modalities including indigenous ancestral medicines and shamanic energy healing.
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We discuss:
- What is Kambo and where does it come from
- Kambo as an alternative healing treatment for autoimmune conditions
- Kambo and hunting magic
- Being an instrument for the medicine of Kambo
- How she transitioned from interior design to shamanic medicine work
- Bringing together Eastern, Western and Indigenous wisdom through Kambo healing
- Receiving and following messages through spirit
- What a Kambo experience is like
- Conscious evolution of the planet
- Life as an energy exchange
- Being a multidimensional being in the digital space
- Social media as a bridge of information that unifies everyone across the planet
- How Rebecca sold out a 40-person retreat using social media (with under 700 followers)
- Conscious Social Media Program
- Consciousness Medicine: Indigenous Wisdom, Entheogens, and Expanded States of Consciousness for Healing and Growth
- IAKP, The International Association of Kambo Practitioners
Related episodes:
- 191 Kalpana Alejandra Arias: Ecosomatics, Reindigenization and Living A Devotional Life In The Digital Age
- 122: Paul Austin: Intuition, Entrepreneurship, Creativity & Microdosing Psychedelics
- 60: Founder Of Poo~Pourri Suzy Batiz: It’s Not Business, It’s A Spiritual Journey
Connect with Rebecca Naylor:
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Quotes by Rebecca Naylor:
- “We all have an inner shaman.”
- “Our life experiences are shamanic initiations.”
- “The frog hijacked my life in the best way possible.”
- “Kambo dissolves veils or blocks you have around your heart.”
- “I am a fractal of the Divine that wants to be expressed in this human form.”
- “Social media is a bridge of information that unifies everyone across the planet.”
Transcript of episode 123: