Social Media As a Tool For Energetic Mastery – Ruby Warrington interviews Ksenia Avdulova

woke & wired conscious social media program with ksenia

This conversation originally aired on The Now Age Podcast with Ruby Warrington, and I was called to share it here as the enrollment for the Conscious Social Media Program is now open (for the first time in 9 months!)

We discuss:

  • Why there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for social media “success”
  • How to marry our outer technology with our inner technology (or intuition)
  • Why focussing on intention over frequency of posting is the key to growing your audience authentically
  • Why social media is a tool for self-awareness, helping us understand our triggers
  • How to respond to callouts, criticism, and weird comments in a positive way


Connect with Ruby Warrington: 

Connect with Ksenia:

Episode transcript:

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