You Can Talk About It, Or You Can Be It: (Re)Learning To Trust Myself In Life And On Social Media

In this solo update, I expose my own self-judgements around how I show up on social media and the attachment to creating something “successful”. Together, we flip these illusions upside down and go straight where these fears are actually inviting us – intimacy with the Divine and with life itself.
I also share:
- How this incredible community has held me through one of the biggest transitions I’ve ever been through – separation, divorce and single mamahood
- How I’m seeing this divorce and becoming a single mom from a zoomed out perspective: the lessons that are here FOR me
- How I’m recalibrating my relationship with social media
- How I am interpreting the lack of growth on my social media pages (despite some big viral moments over the past few years)
- What I’m called to play with on social media this year
- Learning to trust my instincts
- Niche or no niche?
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